Rockey Mountain Dene Workforce Housing design research investigates contemporary housing on small urban Parcels. The designed are easily replaceable, affordable, passive heated with private outdoor space.

The RMDWH design research analyses the haratage of dense workforce housing in the Rockey mountains. From the Victorian clad mining shack to the 40 x 80 lots of the aspen trailer parks.

Mining shacks are romanticized for their Victorian details and urban relationship. The simple structures a with diversity of roof lines and ornamentation. Rocky mountain ordination developed at the end of the styles moment in the united sates. The western settlers drew ornamentation inspiration form different styles they witness. the settlers constructed orthodontics assembles compensation of details from different stiles.

40 x 80 tailer parks offer advantages as dense workforce housing. If the land is owned by the tenets the small percales provide free market afordabul properties.

Two successful examples of these developments are Aspen Village and Dot Zero. `(A) The cluster housing aloes for public utilities. (B) Grown boundys defend by topogery and natural hazards also incentives cluster housing. (C) occupant ownership of building improvements incentives improvements privies an architectonic diversity time. (D) allotments for porches incentives street facing social space.

Aspen Mining Shack

Mining shacks were the original type of workforce housing in the Rockey mountains. (A) Mining shacks had advantages of being Compact cluster housing. (B) Inwardly focused with mass walls. Urban Street. Constructed rapidly constructed and Cost effective. (C) Heiwn log or timber framed Mining Shacks were clad with contrarian style details forming an unique and engaging street scape.

RMDWH Zoning

The rocky mountain dence workorce housing are design for the 60’ x 100’ parcel market segment. The designed address Rockey moutain climate. Designed are affordabul and adapt to different family structures. The designed to have a varity of pubic and private social spaces. The designed have public and private outdoor spaces. The designers maximize the diversity of the elevation with different styles.

This proposed neighborhood is designed with 60’ x 100’ parcels. (A) Structure oriented on north side of the parcel for maximum pasave solar exposer. (B) Green house on south side of building. (C) Surplus parking with large Garage. (D) Snow Accumulation Zone. (E) Public Front Pouch. (F) Pirate yard.

Modular Components

This design research is constrained by the use of three different contemporary construction types. The signal wide 16’ - 0” modular home. The garage with an apartment above. The green house constructed with conventional materials.

Garage Type

Slab on grade Garage with living space on second level. Garage can be used as a work shop or recreational space. When garage door is open the space engages with the street.

Modular Home type

16’-0” Modular home with or prefabricated or constructed from light framing on site. Narrow floor plate and simple roof. Built with Concrete basement for cold climate. 53’ - 0” length for Transportation. basements are insentience by the low frost depth in the rocky mountain climate.

Single Wide and Green House

Reciprocal relationship between single wide and green house. Solar chimney in summer. Heat gain in wintertime. Wintertime outdoor indoor space. Fantastic stair opportunity. Plants, concrete and water provide thermal mass. Green house makes basement pleasant cave room

Sliding glass doors bring light and air into the living spaces. greenhouse provides light and air into the basement making it habitable. The arrangement maximizes the living space with a low roof hight.

Wall Section

Here is a conventional wall section. The conventional construction techniques and prefabrication opportunity could reduce the construction cost. The wall system could be subsided by municipal state or federal investment. If constructed with public investment who owns what part of the wall system?

Type 1 Cape

This mode contains the there bedrooms. Five bedroom. Master sweat garden level. Main floor hall pearler. .

Type 2 Classical

Subdivided into smaller apartments. One bedroom main level. One bedroom Basement Level. Two bedroom Garage.

Type 3 Victorian

This mode contains the greatest number of bedrooms. Five bedroom. Master sweat main level. Main floor pearler. Basement hall.

Type 4 Modern

Subdivided into smaller apartments. One-bedroom unit on the main level. One bedroom unit on the Basement Level. Two-bedroom unit above the Garage.

RMDWH proposal

Simply a trailer park with South facing windows. (A) Structure oriented on north side of the parcel for maximum pasave solar exposer. (B) Green house on south side of building. (C) Surplus parking with large Garage. (D) Snow Accumulation Zone. (E) Public Front Pouch. (F) Pirate yard.

Aspen Village Homes

Modal home parks replaced the mining shack as rapidly constructed and cost effective dense workforce housing. (A) Molal homes parks typical have 40 x 80 Parcels. (B) Windows on both sites. (C) Awkward interstitial spaces often created. often under-insulated and designs without reverence to local climate.


United States Dence Workforce Housing Principals:

Depreciating Asset

Housing is considered a depreciating asset by the United States Federal Government Internal Revenue Service. Localized market presser increases sail prices. The insincere in sail price from antiquation to liquidation could provide fiscal value greater the operational and inflation cost. The cost of rent could be greater then the operational cost. The true American value of the home is in the experience of autonomy and agency of housing.

Private Property Parcels

The inhabitant maintains private ownership over the land and improvements. the property could be subject to property tax. The inhabitance maintains the freedom of usage that does not undermine public health and wellbeing.

Incentive Individual Exceptions

The regulatory agency and constitution methodology permits variability. The freedom of expression is architecturally realized.

Ecological Reciprocity

The dwellings are designed to assimilate with their climate and ecology. The parcel incentives foliage and food production. Sewage, wastewater and energy production returns value to the ecology and public.

Social and Private Outdoor Space

The street scape is designed as a public outdoor social space. Windows, decks and garages engage the street. Private outdoor spaces are integrated within the urban fabric.